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Beyond Boundaries: Transforming Lives at the Multicultural Disability Expo 2024

Beyond Boundaries: Transforming Lives at the Multicultural Disability Expo 2024

01 August 2024 Member Contributions

SBA congratulates our member Careon Services on the success of their recent event, The Multicultural Disability Expo 2024.

The Multicultural Disability Expo 2024, held at the Stirling Leisure Centres – Herb Graham Centre in Mirrabooka, Western Australia, celebrated a significant milestone in promoting inclusivity and diversity within the disability sector. This event, organised by Careon Services, welcomed 25 service provider exhibitors and over 400 visitors, creating a dynamic environment of community support and engagement.

A Vision of Inclusivity

This year’s theme, “Beyond Boundaries: Transforming Lives,” embodied the expo’s mission to connect cultures, foster innovation, and inspire stories of resilience and empowerment. The venue was filled with excitement and energy as visitors explored an array of exhibits featuring the latest technologies, innovative services, and essential resources for individuals with disabilities and their families.

Careon Services, the driving force behind this successful event, showcased their dedication to empowering individuals with disabilities. By organising the expo, they provided a crucial platform for service providers to display their offerings and created a sense of community and belonging among attendees.

Notable Guests and Key Moments

The expo was honoured by the presence of distinguished guests, including Senator Fatima Payman, Councillor Andrea Creado from the City of Stirling, and Honourable Ayor Makur Chuot, Member of the Western Australian Legislative Council for North Metropolitan. Their inspiring speeches highlighted the importance of inclusivity and ongoing advocacy for the rights and support of individuals with disabilities.

The participation of 25 service provider exhibitors was a major highlight, offering a diverse range of products and services designed to enhance the quality of life for individuals with disabilities. From personal care assistance to advanced therapeutic technologies, the exhibits provided visitors with valuable insights and solutions.

Gratitude to Sponsors and Supporters

The Multicultural Disability Expo 2024’s success was made possible by the generous support of its sponsors. Careon Services extends heartfelt thanks to the platinum sponsors, Consultera and BreezyCare; gold sponsors, Helping Solutions, Harmilla, and My Way Disability and Aged Care; and silver sponsors, District 360 and Aaquila Care. Their contributions were instrumental in bringing this vision to fruition.

Additionally, the dedication and hard work of volunteers were crucial in ensuring the event’s smooth execution. Certificates of appreciation were presented to these individuals, recognising their invaluable efforts.

Engaging the Community

The expo was a truly inclusive event, attracting over 400 visitors from diverse cultural backgrounds. This turnout highlights the importance of such initiatives in creating a supportive and inclusive environment for all. Visitors had the opportunity to engage with exhibitors, participate in informative sessions, and provide feedback through a short survey, with the chance to win a fabulous hamper.

The interactive nature of the expo encouraged visitors to share their experiences and insights, fostering a sense of community and collaboration. The feedback received will undoubtedly help shape future events, ensuring they continue to meet the community’s needs.

Looking Ahead

As the Multicultural Disability Expo 2024 concludes, Careon Services is committed to building on this success and continuing its mission to promote inclusivity and support for individuals with disabilities. The positive response to the expo underscores the need for such platforms and their impact on fostering a more inclusive society.

In summary, the Multicultural Disability Expo 2024 was a testament to the power of community, collaboration, and inclusivity. Careon Services extends its deepest gratitude to all the VIPs, sponsors, exhibitors, and visitors who contributed to making this event a remarkable success. Together, we have made significant strides in creating a world where everyone, regardless of ability, is celebrated and embraced.