Upcoming Events
Extraordinary General meeting
The board members of Stirling Business Centre (SBC) and the Committee of Stirling Business Association (SBA) have identified that it makes strategic and operational sense to merge the entities from 1 July 2022. This will provide a strong foundation for future growth opportunities, diversified revenue streams and the continuation of the many services to the local small business sector that each organisation currently provides.
SBA and SBC are already incredibly aligned with their operations with SBA managing Stirling Business Centre as well as being an organisational member on the SBC Board.
We will therefore be hosting an Extraordinary General Meeting (EGM) for SBA members to vote on the required revised terms of the proposed constitution of the Association.
Members are encouraged to have read the official Notice of General Meeting and understood the specific changes being proposed and resolutions that will need to be voted on at the EGM.
We will provide some light refreshments and there will be a chance to network with your fellow members.
Please register your attendance by clicking below.
COVID19 Safe Policy
Stirling Business Centre is currently following the required government directions to reduce the spread of COVID19. Checking in to the Centre with the SafeWA app and wearing of face masks will be required. If you have been a close contact or are displaying symptoms of COVID19 then please refrain from attending.The Centre is not currently mandated to check vaccination status.