Upcoming Events
SBA Sundower November
Daily we hear and read about how business is being affected by Alcohol and Drugs in the workplace. Equally workplace ethics cases of sexual harassment, bullying and discrimination are common and are costing business not only money but irreparable reputational damage.
Our hosts for this Sundowner The Orange Card, will present an eye opening and emotional presentation about the damage AOD is taking on business, you will learn about illicit synthetic drugs, see what new trends are happing in our schools like Vaping and Nang’s. The Orange Card is the commercial division of Sideffect.
Sideffect was started by founder Rodney Bridge following the death of his son Preston, who died at the age of 16 after taking a synthetic form of LSD in 2013 during his school ball after-party. Sideffect was born out of an understanding that our youth need to be educated on substance use and be empowered to make informed decisions with the help of parents, teachers, and community.
Sideffect has presented to over 155,000 students and parents and now The Orange Card is carrying on educating business providing Online courses that educates staff and help identify telltale signs of a team member that may need help. Drugs do not discriminate; its’ not just workers on a mine site AOD and Ethics are present in all business of all sizes in every suburb and industry.
Network with other members and you will be entertained, learn valuable information, and take away new knowledge that will help you make informed positive decisions about AOD.
Hear Rod talk about his time as an undercover drug dealer and with 60 minutes how he exposed the research chemical drug trade in China and his life after losing his son Preston.