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Small Business Grants

Small Business Grants

01 May 2024 Helpful tips

Small business owners face numerous challenges, from managing day-to-day operations to navigating financial hurdles. However, amidst these challenges, there are opportunities for growth and support.

We’ve identified five grants that are aimed at providing financial assistance, fostering innovation, and driving growth. These funding opportunities can make a significant difference in the success and sustainability of your business.


Grant Title Details Applications
Emissions Reduction Fund Provides businesses with the opportunity to earn Australian carbon credit units for every tonne of carbon dioxide equivalent a business stores or avoids emitting through adopting new practices and technologies. Applications may be made at any time.
Financial incentives for businesses to hire new staff


Wage subsidies provide financial incentives to employers to hire and retain eligible participants in ongoing and sustainable positions.

Subsidies up to a maximum of $10,000.

Apply at any time.


Funding to support WA start-ups and small businesses to commercialise and innovate


This program provides funding to WA start-ups and small businesses to help them commercialise innovative ideas or projects, and to expand to create jobs.

Matched funding of up to $40,000.

Apply at any time.
Payments for WA businesses hiring new apprentices or trainees


The Jobs and Skills WA Employer Incentive provides businesses with incentive payments when they employ an apprentice or new entrant trainee.

The payment amount depends on the nominal term of the apprenticeship or traineeship.

Applications may be made at any time.
Small business training for people interested in self-employment


This program provides support to people interested in starting their own business or who need help to refocus an existing small business.

Various self-employment services, including advice, coaching, and training.

Apply at any time.